Today’s All About You
Today’s post is a little different this week. I’ve been blogging for a little over a year now, and I’ve been having so much fun doing it! I love that I can share stuff with you guys and you’ll be back for more every Monday. I also love that there’s so many of you that have been following along since day one and have continued to support my blog and I along the way! Well, today I really wanted to take the time to hear from you all about the blog going forward.
I have so many questions to ask you guys, but narrowed it down to the most important ones. Please comment below or if you wanted to keep it more personal, you can email me at [email protected]. Again, your comments and input are so important to me as you are what makes Love Vividly.
1. Is posting one day a week enough?
I create a new blog post for you all every Monday. Is this too little? Or are you okay with it being just every Monday?
2. What are projects or posts that you would like to see more of?
Love Vividly is a lifestyle blog, which allows me to feel like I can share anything with you all on here, whether it be crafts, recipes, or adventures! Is there something you want to see more of that I’m not sharing?
3. Do you have any projects or ideas that you wanted me to share on here?
Coming up with these ideas sometimes can be tough. I would love to hear from you guys if you had a cool idea that can be shared on Love Vividly!
4. What is your favorite category that I share on here?
DIY crafts, printables, recipes, styling your home, adventures, DIY wedding?
5. Do I share enough posts that everyone can relate to?
Sometimes I feel like I’m not sharing enough for both men and woman. Last time I checked in my Google Analytics I learned that I had 51% male readers and 49% female readers. This was a shock to me and I was actually pretty glad that I learned this. Love Vividly should be something that everyone can go to and enjoy reading no matter the gender.
6. Is there anything on here that you don’t like?
For example, do the flow of the posts and tutorials help you understand how to do the project from start to finish? Is there anything you think I should work on?
7. Are there any other comments you had for the blog?
I’m all ears! :]
Thanks again for taking the time to answer these few questions! Love you all xoxo!