Third Trimester with Baby Mayhew & Pregnancy Recap!
So to start, I wrote this blog post back in January and never published it because I just didn’t have the time. I thought I’d leave it as is because it couldn’t have been more perfectly written as a new mom missing being pregnant, haha!
Hi guys! Happy New Year!! I’m still on maternity leave and am enjoying all of the time I have left with my little guy. I’ve wanted to write this post for the longest time, but honestly have not had single second to do that. Shout out to all you stay at home moms that do it all. You’re my inspiration and I can’t wait to reach that level!
I so miss being pregnant (surprisingly, hah), but I’m so much happier now that Wilder is out and in my arms. The third trimester was by far my favorite trimester. I felt like I got my body back as weird as that sounds. I unfortunately had to start checking my sugar levels with my gestational diabetes, but on the bright side it controlled my weight gain I guess. I felt like I really got my glow after 32 weeks, haha. All the time before that I just felt bleh. Wilder was always happy inside me though kicking up a storm and enjoying all of my meals. He did get hiccups a lot though…poor guy. I did start to feel pretty heavy though towards the end. I didn’t know I could get any bigger after 32 weeks, but I sure did!! Thankfully I walked daily so swelling in my hands and feet didn’t start until the last 3-4 weeks of my pregnancy. I noticed they swelled up pretty big if I was on my feet too much during the day. And yes, I worked up until the day of my water breaking — ugh!
Due Date: November 12!
Gender: It’s a boy!!
Total weight gain: 11.5 lbs. (19.5 lbs. total pregnancy)
Cravings: All of my fruit that I can’t eat because of my GD.
Food aversions: None thankfully.
Symptoms: No nausea here! Just a little feet swelling towards the last couple of weeks.
Movement: All the time! He’s going to be a soccer player!
Belly button in or out: Completely out, hah!
Is your bump showing: Yup!
Mood: Feeling the best I’ve ever felt this entire pregnancy! I’ve certainly been feeling 10 times heavier though!
Overall I think my pregnancy journey was one for the books! It had many ups and downs that really kept B and I on our toes, but I’m so happy I got to experience it all because now I’ll be prepared for the next baby. Crossing my fingers it will be a little easier though, hah! Between the crazy almost 5-month long nausea, fracturing a tooth, and finding out I had gestational diabetes, my journey could not have been more memorable. Plus, meeting the little man behind it all made it that much more special. He’s such a sweet baby and I would do it all over again for him. I remember constantly crying all the time asking why can’t I just have a normal pregnancy like everyone else, but I came to learn that every pregnancy is unique and does have it’s own negatives. Some people just aren’t as open about it, which makes you feel like you’re experiencing the worst, but I promise you you’re not alone. That was one thing I reminded myself of. There’s so many other women out there experiencing the same thing!
I’m exhausted, but beyond happy these days. I don’t look forward to going back to work honestly, but it will be nice to be around other people during the day! Thanks for following along this little journey of mine and for all of your words of encouragement through the whole thing! It definitely made me feel better and helped level my anxiety and thoughts of discouragement.
Here’s to 2018! A new year with a brand new baby <3
I am going to share it with my aunt who is currently pregnant with her third baby. And i hope she is getting inspire to see this. Thanks for the sharing such a inspiring article.
Hi Anne! Oh, this makes me so happy!! I’m glad I can help! Wow, third baby too! Congrats to your aunt!