The Liebster Award
Being new to the blogger community I wasn’t entirely sure what the Liebster Award was all about, but I knew it was pretty cool when I was nominated! Genevieve, over at Broke Girl Fitness nominated me for this awesome award. If you haven’t heard of Broke Girl Fitness, you must go check her out! Genevieve is a certified personal trainer who shares professional fitness advice, workouts, and healthy eats. Free advice is just wonderful for this broke girl right here!
What is the Liebster Award you ask? Well, it’s an award given to smaller bloggers that helps reveal the person behind the blog. It’s great for bloggers with smaller followers to introduce themselves into the blogging community.
Here are the rules once you’ve been nominated:
1. Answer 10 questions the nominator asked you.
2. Choose 10 (…or I did 5) blogs that also have a smaller following on their blog and nominate them with this award.
3. Ask your nominees 10 questions.
4. Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
5. Let your nominees know you have nominated them.
Here are my answers to the 10 questions Genevieve asked me:
1. You are going to be stranded on an deserted island for a year and you are allowed to bring 3 pieces of exercise equipment. What would you bring?
I would definitely bring running shoes because shoes in general would just be nice to have, a yoga mat (I could also sleep on it), and a medicine ball.
2. What is your summer cocktail (or mocktail)?
3. What time did you get up this morning?
I had a 5:00 am alarm, but hit the snooze button all the way until 5:30 am…then I dragged myself out of bed. I’m one of those people who have to have like 10 alarms to get up.
4. Where would you retire?
Florida or South Carolina sound lovely to me.
5. Sweet or Salty?
Hmm, I just had my salty fix, so I’d have to say sweet!
6. What was your dream career growing up?
My dream career was to be a fashion designer. I wanted to design clothes so badly when I was younger. I even convinced my mom to get me a manikin so I could put clothes on it.
7. What is your dream job now?
My dream job is my current job…a graphic designer!
8. What is your favorite sport to watch vs. play?
Sports—we aren’t the best of friends, but I’d have to say hockey all the way.
9. If you could invite three people, living or dead over for a party, who would they be?
Luke Bryan (he can crash my party anytime), Rebel Wilson because she’s pure hilarity, and I guess I should probably invite my boyfriend Brandon too.
10. If someone’s underwear are showing would you tell them?
Are they standing or sitting, and do I know them? Most likely I wouldn’t tell them if I was on the metro and they were sitting right across from me because you never know with people these days, but I am one to go out of my way for things like this SO I’d probably do it anyway.
I now pass the torch and nominate the following 5 bloggers:
1. Amanda from Paving the Rugged Path
2. Karen from You Are My Felicidad
3. Morgan from Lilies and Holly
4. Grace and Doris from Something Something Blog
5. Kara from Kara Sometimes Plays
Here are my questions for you:
1. What are the first 3 songs on your recently played playlist?
2. Why did you start blogging?
3. If you could go anywhere in the world to get food where would you go?
4. If you could tell your younger self one piece of advice what would it be?
5. Flats or heels?
6. What was the last thing you bought?
7. If you could have any drink in your hand right now, it would be…?
8. If you could live in any era what would it be?
9. What is your life motto?
10. And the BIG question…Backstreet Boys or *NSYNC?
Let me know once you’ve answered the questions! I would love to read your answers!