Surprise! We’re Having a Baby!
I’ve been counting down the days until I could finally share the news with you guys! If you didn’t see our announcement yesterday…surprise! I’m pregnant!!! Our pregnancy journey has had quite the high’s and low’s, but we’re so happy to finally be here with a healthy growing baby at 13 weeks. I’ve been waiting to write this post and tell you guys everything that has gone down within the past 6+ months. So, if you’re up for a little story time, grab a cup of coffee, kick off your shoes, and read on! P.S. I’m sharing our pregnancy announcement video at the end of this post! We decided to record our friends and families reactions when we told them the news and some of the reactions were hilarious!
It all started back in September when B and I had to quickly make a decision on whether or not we were going to visit my dad in Peru for our Thanksgiving. My dad recently moved there last July and we had already made plans (and bought plane tickets) for us to visit. Unfortunately, the whole Zika scare was happening around this time and a part of Peru was infected with those dang mosquito. After having long sleepless nights and feeling super anxious all day, I finally realized that going to Peru wasn’t the best decision for us at the time. We knew we wanted to start trying to get pregnant during the fall/winter and I was just too anxious with the “what-if’s” and I just didn’t want to take the chance. We broke the news to my dad explaining why we made the decision, which was VERY hard to do. I already missed him incredibly much and just felt terrible about the whole thing. Thankfully, he understood and we moved forward promising that we’d visit him during Christmas this 2017.
Once we made the decision not to go to Peru, we thought we’d start trying. We were trying to plan it perfectly so we could actually bring the baby during Christmas when we visited (assuming we’d get pregnant fast). We started trying in October and found out we were pregnant in December; December 19th to be exact! That was such an exciting day. It was also Portia’s birthday, so obviously the entire day I was smiling from ear to ear. B was super excited too! It was just in time for Christmas and our hearts were so full.
Unfortunately, I found out later that week that I was starting to miscarry. To be honest, when the lady at the hospital told me I was miscarrying, I was okay with hearing the news. For some reason, I had fully prepared my mind beforehand (or so I thought) because I knew stuff like this could happen. Well, reality started to sink in once I got home and that’s where things started to turn real quick. I ended up feeling really depressed and sad, but not upset with God, just sad. I was sad that it had happened to me. Okay, so I don’t want to keep babbling on about this part because I actually want to share a separate post on how I dealt with my miscarriage and the after affects it had on me. I know I found comfort in reading other’s comments and posts who have gone through the same thing and I want other’s to know they’re not alone.
We knew right after our miscarriage that we didn’t want to wait. Apparently you’re super fertile after a miscarriage (don’t mark my words on that) so once the bleeding stopped we were back in the game! We ended up missing out in January, but I just had a feeling that February was going to be our month. B and I agreed that after 3 months of trying (starting from October) that we’d try and use an ovulation kit to see when I’m actually peeking. Now, I’m pretty in tune with my body, but after the miscarriage I had absolutely no idea when I was ovulating. My cycle after the miscarriage ended up being 36 days, which was super long for me. So, we decided February was the month to try because I just wanted to be pregnant again. We agreed that we wouldn’t check until early March (February is a short month) because my cycle was so off and I honestly didn’t want to be heartbroken by seeing another negative pregnancy test. I woke up Saturday morning on March 4th, and knew that we had to take the pregnancy test, but didn’t want to. I just didn’t feel pregnant. I’m pretty sure I found myself crying that week because I knew this wasn’t our month again since I had none of the symptoms. Well, turned out we were in fact pregnant! It was the sweetest surprise ever and we couldn’t believe it!!!
Week 5 rolled around and the morning sickness started to roll in. Let me just say, I had no idea what I was about to experience. I thought morning sickness was just the morning…not ALL DAY!! I had no idea what to eat during that first week because the stomach ache was nothing like I had ever experienced before. Now, let me say I have a very sensitive stomach, but my goodness, this one puts a whole new meaning to the word nausea. Weeks 7 and 8 I was literally throwing up every day, sometimes twice. I tried EVERYTHING, including ginger ale! I don’t even drink soda (my stomach has never agreed) and that was the day I actually ended up getting sick twice. So, this part of my story explains why I’ve been MIA from blogging recently – I’ve pretty much been in bed for the past 2.5 months, haha!
Here I am now week 13 and am crossing my fingers that I can finally say a little goodbye to nausea next week; really crossing my fingers and toes here guys. I even have people praying for me, hah!
So far no serious cravings, I just really love watermelon, melon, and cantelope! Oh, and greek yogurt too, that does the tummy good. BUT I do hate the smell of chicken. I’m hoping that’ll go away soon. I was going on a spurt where I couldn’t handle eating any meat what-so-ever, but now I’m able to handle it as long as it’s disguised well. Pizza is finally back to being in my life (finally) after a long month so our pizza Friday’s are back to normal, I’m just eating fewer slices.
We only have 7 more weeks until we find out the gender and I cannot wait!! I think B’s just as anxious as I am. I’ll be sure to share that with you guys here as well of course! In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this video on how we shared the news with our friends and family. I couldn’t help but laugh and cry at some of these reactions – they really were priceless!!
Precious ?! Absolutely precious ?
Wishing you a lifetime of joy and blessings!
Thank you so much Mrs. Girvin!! <3
This is literally the most beautiful thing I have every read and the sweetest video ever ❤️
Hi Emily! Thank you!!! We’re very excited!