Hi guys! I was hoping to share this post last Wednesday, but of course life gets in the way and stuff happens. If ya didn’t hear, I unexpectedly fractured one of my teeth last week and was in so much pain; yet another joy in my pregnancy journey. If you’re reading this and you had no idea I was pregnant, surprise! You...
Happy Monday and hello soon-to-be 3-day weekend! Are you just as excited as I am that Memorial Day weekend is almost here?! We can finally have a long weekend! I don’t know about you, but I could so use a break over here! As I’m sure many of you know, or may have guessed due to my silence last week,...
I’ve been counting down the days until I could finally share the news with you guys! If you didn’t see our announcement yesterday…surprise! I’m pregnant!!! Our pregnancy journey has had quite the high’s and low’s, but we’re so happy to finally be here with a healthy growing baby at 13 weeks. I’ve been waiting to write this post and tell you...
What better day to come back to blogging than Cinco de Mayo?! Boy, does it feel good to be back. I’m pretty sure I took a month long break here, which wasn’t expected, but it was much needed. I promise I’ll talk more about that later, but for now let’s fiesta!! I’m sure plenty of you will be celebrating today...
I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for 3 years now! Where has the time gone?! I still remember when I first started I wasn’t sure as to where I wanted to take the blog, but I knew I wanted it to be creative and my own little space on the internet. Over the past 3 years, I’ve been so grateful...
Hey there! It’s that time of year again when you can’t walk through the store without finding Peeps on every aisle. I, Holly, am all about any holiday that involves candy, so Easter is perfect for me! Since Peeps are so popular this time of year, I thought I’d try an Easter take on a milkshake by making these marshmallow...
Hi there! I'm Marianela and I'm a graphic designer. Love Vividly is a lifestyle blog where I share tutorials on all things DIY. I hope you enjoy, and remember to love vividly every once and a while.
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