I can’t believe I’m officially a mom and that our little boy is finally here! While it felt like years, being pregnant was a wonderful journey. However, giving birth 100 percent tops it! Throughout my pregnancy so many people questioned if I could give birth vaginally to Wilder because of my petite frame (which is total BS by they way…your...
I’m so excited to share today’s post with you all! It’s been really hard keeping his little nook a secret over the past couple of months, but I’m happy that the day has finally come where you can see it ALL! B and I made the decision earlier this summer to stay in our 1-bedroom apartment, which made it quite...
Currently on week 38 with this baby boy and I thought today would be a perfect day to share our maternity photos with you all. We took them about 3 weekends ago, and are were beyond excited for them! If you remember our videographers’ that we chose for our wedding, Karen and Ana from Enamor Film + Design, they are...
It’s only fitting to write about your second trimester when your 37.5 weeks pregnant…amirite?! The beginning of the second trimester for me was still a bit of a drag with the nausea, although I started to feel like my normal self a bit more around week 17. After looking at these progress photos (which I totally didn’t get enough of...
If you remember last November I was planning on updating our living room, but sadly I never finished/got around to it because of my miscarriage. I also wasn’t sure if we were going to be living in our apartment another year so we kind of left it how it was for some time. In August, we made the decision to...
Hi guys! I may as well welcome myself back to my blog because I’ve been MIA for the past two months on here. I’m still into blogging, but this baby inside me has other plans for me sometimes. I’ve actually had this DIY complete for a couple weeks now, but I just honestly haven’t had the time to sit down...

Hi there! I'm Marianela and I'm a graphic designer. Love Vividly is a lifestyle blog where I share tutorials on all things DIY. I hope you enjoy, and remember to love vividly every once and a while.
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