Spring has finally arrived. What beautiful weather we had this weekend! I couldn’t be more excited for summertime. This winter was brutal…and never ending, but now that it’s spring I’m ready to pack away my winter clothes and bring out the summer dresses! In honor of the lovely weather we had this weekend, I decided to make a Raspberry Mint...
I would love nothing more than to make my first blog post about my 90 year old grandpa! I celebrated his 90th birthday with him yesterday, and it was absolutely wonderful! He’s one of the strongest, most loving old men out there…and when I say strong I mean “fuerte” (which means “strong” in Spanish). He still rides his bike to...

Hi there! I'm Marianela and I'm a graphic designer. Love Vividly is a lifestyle blog where I share tutorials on all things DIY. I hope you enjoy, and remember to love vividly every once and a while.
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