Search Results for: holly

No-Machine Spicy Chocolate Ice Cream

Hi everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Fourth of July weekend! Unfortunately, the weather here in DC was not the best for viewing fireworks, but it was a nice relaxing weekend overall. Now that it’s July and the weather is really heating up here, I’m finding myself asking B if he wants to go out for ice cream at least twice a week…not even sorry ‘bout it! Speaking of ice cream, today I’m happy...

The Liebster Award

Being new to the blogger community I wasn’t entirely sure what the Liebster Award was all about, but I knew it was pretty cool when I was nominated! Genevieve, over at Broke Girl Fitness nominated me for this awesome award. If you haven’t heard of Broke Girl Fitness, you must go check her out! Genevieve is a certified personal trainer who shares professional fitness advice, workouts, and healthy eats. Free advice is just wonderful for...