Last Sail! Bachelorette Weekend
Hi guys! I hope you all had a wonderful and eventful weekend, or a very relaxing weekend, which I semi-wish I had—I envy all of you that did absolutely nothing this weekend. B and I sat down all day Saturday and finished a big chunk of wedding planning and all the stuff that had to get done. While wedding planning is fun, it can also be quite draining. So, I hope you guys don’t mind, but unfortunately I don’t have a DIY post today (so sorry!!). Instead, I thought I’d share some photos from my bachelorette a couple weekends ago! We all stayed in the cutest beach house in Dewey Beach, DE. I had the time of my life with my girlfriends and I wish I could go back. Two of my bridesmaids really out did themselves with everything they planned! They even decorated to the T as I’m sure you can see in the photos!
Sadly we didn’t get to go to the beach since it rained all weekend, but that didn’t stop the party!
It was such a fun getaway weekend that I wish I could go back to and enjoy again right now. Well with that, I hope you all have a wonderful week, and remember: only 4 more days until Friday!! Wahoooo!!!
Loooove this. So cute!!