First Trimester With Baby Mayhew!
Hi guys! I was hoping to share this post last Wednesday, but of course life gets in the way and stuff happens. If ya didn’t hear, I unexpectedly fractured one of my teeth last week and was in so much pain; yet another joy in my pregnancy journey. If you’re reading this and you had no idea I was pregnant, surprise! You can read about our journey so far here and how we found out. The first trimester is finally over and I’m pretty happy about that. For some reason, I’m that one that cannot say they enjoyed their pregnancy thus far. I’m so blessed to have this little baby growing in me, but man it’s got my body doing crazy things. I was nauseous the entire first trimester starting at week 5, and that continued through week 16. I remember the day it started it hit me hard and I had no idea what I was going to eat. I ended up eating cinnamon raisin bagels with cream cheese for an entire week – and maybe some more the next week… Not only was I suffering with nausea and vomiting, I was also suffering with terrible indigestion. It didn’t matter what I ate, it would always show up. After my week of eating bagels, I switched over to eating cereal, which I figured was a little healthier too, hah!. In addition to my carbs, I was definitely craving all things in the melon family. You could give me all the cantaloupe, watermelon, and melon during my first trimester. It was probably one the only things that didn’t make me feel sick.
The happy part of my first trimester was definitely seeing the little one grow. Since I miscarried our first one, we were able to get into the doctors as early as 5 weeks. We got lucky and were able to actually see the baby during our visits in weeks 6, 7, 9, and 12. Seeing it growing healthy really put my mind at ease. We were finally able to hear the heartbeat at our 12 week appointment and that was probably my favorite part of my entire first trimester, besides seeing it’s sweet side profile of course!
Since I was suffering with morning sickness I sadly only got a bump update for week 6 and 13. My stomach really didn’t change that much in between anyways. I was mainly super bloated the entire time. I’m definitely going to try and get a picture every week during my second trimester!
Due Date: November 12!
Gender: We don’t know yet, but we’ll find out June 27!!
Total weight gain: 3 lb.s
Cravings: Cantaloupe, watermelon, melon, and fruit snacks.
Food aversions: I would say all meats, but mostly chicken. Don’t even cook chicken around me during the first trimester. I’d occasionally try and get some meat in my meals, but really really struggled with this. It would make me sick every time.
Symptoms: Morning sickness and indigestion
Movement: Although I didn’t feel the baby move during the first trimester, it was a jumping bean since we saw it during our 7 week ultrasound.
Belly button in or out: In
Is your bump showing: I think it started to show a little during week 12
Mood: All over the place. Sad because I’m not enjoying my pregnancy, but excited because I’m pregnant. Poor B gets all my mood changes within the hour and has to play the guessing game on what I want to eat.
That about wraps up my first trimester! It definitely had its happy times and upsetting times, but overall I’m so happy that I get to experience this pregnancy first hand and see my belly grow every day. We can’t wait to meet the little one!