DIY Record Player Stand Makeover
B and I received this awesome record player as a gift from his best man at our wedding. I was on the hunt for a couple months for the perfect stand to compliment it. Ever since we moved into our apartment, I’ve been all about finding old pieces of furniture and bringing it back to life by throwing some beautiful chalk paint on it! Well, this was one of them friends! We were able to find this stand for only $30 and I’m pretty sure it’s an actual record player stand (has the divider in there and all to hold the records).
I finally had the time this weekend to put some paint on it and bring it back to life! I’m still not 100% satisfied with it, but it’s definitely ready to be on display in our living room. I was hoping to line it inside with some pretty removable wallpaper (still might!), but it was way more complicated than I thought it would be…and I need B around to help with that kind of work (he’s good at that technical math and measuring kind of stuff)! I’ll definitely give you all an update if I do end up covering the inside with wallpaper.
Okay, so here’s the before:
And here’s the after:
I decided to paint it white (duhh!) and spray paint the legs aqua. I’m still on the fence about the legs. I was hoping to add some gold in there, but B really really didn’t want gold and I thought I’d listen to him this one time and do what he says; can’t say I hate it though!
So what do you think? Have any suggestions on how to make it look better, or should I leave it as is?