DIY Beer Caddy: Father’s Day Edition
Happy Monday friends! Today I have a special guest on the blog—B, my wonderful fiancé! He’s sharing a DIY craft for Father’s day that we did this weekend and I think as you can see in the photo above any guy will love!
With Father’s Day fast approaching, what better way to make your dad smile than with a beer caddy made by you! Not only is this project quicker than you may think, you’ll also be giving your dad his favorite 6-pack of beer to enjoy (with or without you—that’s up to him!).
The great thing about this project is that you can personalize the wooden box (or “caddy”) however you see fit. Dad a sports fan? Paint it his team’s colors. Big into his alma mater? Paint it the school’s colors. Loves a certain brewery? Paint it colors to match the bottles you’ll later place inside. All these options and many more are at your disposal!
To start, here is what you need for this DIY Father’s Day Beer Caddy
• Wooden crate
• Strand of rope – any thickness will do, I chose one about 0.5in thick.
• 12 gauge wire – use a smaller gauge that’s more crafty, but still strong enough to hold the rope ends when tied!
• Spray paint in color(s) of your choosing
• Wire cutters
• Knife
• Most importantly: 6-pack of your dad’s favorite brews!
How to:
Step 1. Take your wooden crate and paint it how you see fit. If doing multiple colors, I would recommend painting it with a brush, and not going the spray paint route. For the box you see here, I simply sprayed it with 2 coats of yellow. Make sure to leave ample drying time between coats! Light sanding may also be needed before painting to ensure proper adhesion of paint throughout the box.
Step 2. After paint has dried, string rope through both handle ends of the box. Depending upon the size of your box, rope length will vary. Additionally, ensure that the height of the bottle does not overlap with the top part of the rope where you would hold it to carry! Try placing a bottle in the box during measurement to allow for this gap. For my rope, I used about 1ft in length. After measuring, cut desired length using a sharp knife.
Step 3. String rope through both handles of box. On one side, fold up the excess end, and press and hold against the existing rope. With these two sections together, take your metal wire and begin wrapping/”tying” them together. Use your wire cutter to cut the wire from the strand, and to trim any excess remaining after the wrap. I used about 10in of wire for my box. Make sure to do the same thing to the other side of the box as well.
Additionally, I have seen online where people wrap twine around the metal wire to give a cleaner look. However, for mine, I figured my dad would better appreciate the bare metal!
Step 4. Place your dad’s favorite 6-pack of beer into the box! I went with the Shiner Prickly Pear summer seasonal beer. Shiner is a favorite brewery of both my dad and I’s, and is located in Shiner, Texas; check out their brews if you haven’t had them before! Unfortunately when placing in my 6-pack, my box was only big enough to fit 5 bottles—FAIL!
Well there you have it fellas, get to the store and start making this beer caddy for your dad before June 20th is here! Go ahead and post photos below in the Comments section, or on Instagram using #sharethelv so Ms. LoveVividly can share the beer caddy’s you have made for your dad’s special day!!! Best of luck, and a Happy Father’s Day to all the good ole’ father’s out there!