Cape Charles Weekend Getaway!
I’ve been craving the beach lately and finally convinced B for us to get away for the weekend. I wanted to visit Cape Charles, VA (where we got married) at least once this year and knew it’d be the perfect location for us. (You can read more about Cape Charles here too.) We woke up super early Saturday morning, and road tripped to our destination. I think we arrived around 1:30-2 p.m., which honestly wasn’t that bad because this mama can’t handle sitting out in the sun that long anymore (so sad!).
B and I spent about 2 hours on the beach enjoying the water and a little sun bathing. I of course sported my adorable sun hat and sunglasses that I got from ilymix. You can actually snag something yourself and receive 10% off your order with this discount code: lovevividly10 (No worries, you can thank me later!)
Later, we got some dinner at our favorite restaurant in town, The Shanty. I absolutely LOVE going there for their hush puppies. Hands down my favorite hush puppies to date. B of course got his oysters, which he LOVED too. After dinner, we headed back to our hotel because a) Portia was there waiting for us and b) we were exhausted.
The next morning we woke up and headed to the beach to give Portia a little sand and relaxation action. She absolutely loves the sand, but hates the water! I was able to snap a few shots of her that were too cute for words.
After Portia got her fill, we grabbed an early lunch at The Oyster Farm (where we had our wedding reception). Thankfully, we were able to eat outside with Portia and enjoyed the beautiful view. I highly recommend eating here at least once during your visit!
Once our tummies were full, but not too full because we needed to save room for dessert, we went over to Brown Dog Ice Cream for some delicious ice cream! Portia enjoyed licking the air acting like she was actually eating it with us…poor Portia! If your visiting town, you obviously need to stop by and grab yourself a tasty cone or two!
Unfortunately, we had to head back home after ice cream, but thankfully got our fill of our favorite beach town. Now all I can think about is when our next vacation will be! I need to get our babymoon planning ready to go because August will be here any day now!! Yikes!
Fabulous pics!
Thank you, Judith!