Big News! Master Bedroom Upgrade!
We have some exciting news to share with you guys! We’re moving and getting our bedroom back! B and I have been counting down the days until we moved into a 2-bedroom! I absolutely loved having Wilder in the room with us for his first 9 almost 10 months of life, but man are we excited!
Before we found out about this move, I convinced B to let me finally change up our bedspread and throw pillows. He approved so I thankfully found temporary happiness over the thought that I semi got our room back, haha!
We also recently got a new art print of Wilder that I so anxiously awaited to display on our night stand from his newborn photoshoot thanks to Canvas on the Cheap! Have you guys heard of them? You can get your favorite photos printed on canvas for a great price! I was very happy with how it turned out and can’t wait to figure out which photo I’d like to get printed next to display in our new bedroom!
I could seriously stare at Wilder’s newborn photos all day long! I’m so happy we get to display one of my all-time favorite photos of him in our room!
So are you looking to freshen up your wall art with quality photos? Well, thanks to Canvas on the Cheap you can win one of your own 11 in. x 14 in. canvas art prints! I’ll be hosting the giveaway on my Instagram page this Wednesday at 6pm EST! Set your alarms!
Disclosure: I received a free product to review in exchange for posting this review. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.