2017 Calendar Free Printable + Selling on Etsy!
Happy New Year friends!! I’m so excited for the new year and am looking forward to new challenges and goals to accomplish. I can’t say thank you to all of the love and support you have given Love Vividly over the years and I’ll continue to make things great over here!
Since we’re ringing in the new year, I thought it’d be a perfect time to share this year’s free printable calendar. Be sure to print it on 8.5 in. X 11 in. white cardstock paper for best results. Additionally, there are crop marks on the PDF for you to cut the calendar to it’s true trim size—5.5 in. X 5.5 in.
:: Download your 2017 Calendar Free Printable Here ::
Now, this year I thought I would include a few more designs that are now available for purchase in my Etsy shop. There are two versions, a black and white polka dot option, as well as a more colorful option. What’s different about these calendars is that it’s a little longer (5.5 in. X 6.5 in.) and includes a note section at the bottom of each month. I love this option because now it’ll make it easy if I have to write down something important that will be occurring that month. I currently have the black and white version on my desk at work!
You can shop the black and white polka dot design in my Etsy shop here.
You can shop the colorful polka dot design in my Etsy shop here.
What do you think of the designs this year?! Are you ready for what 2017 has to bring you? I’m sure ready!